Demand an End to Puppy Mills in McPherson County

  • al: Marla Patrick
  • destinatario: County Zoning, County Commissioners

A puppy mill is currently being allowed to operate within McPherson County.  At it's last report, they claimed 408 dogs and puppies.  Athough they have been inspected at least once every two years by the USDA inspectors and have had several violations noted as well as complaints by pet stores they have sold to of broken legs, broken tails, and kennel cough, they have been allowed to continue to operate.  As a result, we are calling on McPherson County Zoning and our McPherson County Commissioners to enforce any laws/rules already on the books, or enact new laws/rules that will require the shutting down of this puppy mill and prevent any new ones from starting up in our county. McPherson County is better than this.

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