A Singer Beat a Dog on Camera, After Being Released from Prison for Trying to Have His Wife Murdered

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: California authorities
The lead singer for a metalcore band served a prison sentence from 2014 to 2016 for hiring a hitman to kill his wife, from whom he was estranged. He was released on parole after being sentenced to six years in prison for his crime.

Now, he's on camera apparently beating, kicking, and hitting his dog in California.

Sign the petition to demand justice and intensive psychological treatment!

The frontman for band As I Lay Dying was outside of his home when apparently he became overcome by rage and frustration and began violently wailing on his poor, trembling, frightened dog. It's clear that this man's violent tendencies didn't decrease after his attempts to have his wife killed.

Apparently the people around him know and understand that he's a dangerous individual, to be avoided at all costs. Over the course of its existence, 15 musicians have joined and subsequently left the band. Recent individuals who left stated that remaining professionally entangled with the lead singer left them psychologically battered and tested their morals "to a breaking point." As of now, the only member of his band at all... is him. No one else seems willing to work with him.

It isn't a huge surprise to learn that someone who's been found guilty and convicted of domestic violence would now also be committing animal abuse. Studies have repeatedly found a connection between cruelty against animals, and cruelty against other humans.

This man is clearly not safe around animals or people, and the only way to cure that is with dedicated psychotherapy treatment. Urge California authorities to mandate intensive mental health counseling for this individual!
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