CONDEMN Decision to let Abuser who starved dog WALK FREE

  • al: Jana DiCarlo
  • destinatario: Judge at Bolton Magistrate's Court

33 year old Davis Lowe was allowed to walk free after starving his dog so badly it had to be euthanised.

Clearly, this was  deliberate and long standing abuse. Anyone who could, day after day, deny a dog nourishment to the point the dog was a living skeleton, is someone who has no connection to the suffering and anguish he is causing another living creature.

He could just as easlily do this to a child, older relative or other animals in the future.

The decision to let him walk free sends the WRONG message to our society about cruelty and responsibility for actions.

The decision to give light sentences to animal abusers MUST STOP. Condemn this light sentence!!!

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