Stop overbreeding by requiring a license to breed domesticated animals

  • al: Shawn Jonas
  • destinatario: The Govenors of South Carolina & North Carolina

Millions of dogs are euthanized each year because of overbreeding. There are 6 dogs to every person on the planet. Yet there is no regulation whatsoever as to who can breed, how many times they can breed an animal or what they do with the animals. Because of this we see atrocities in our news each day of animal abuse & neglect. If a person is required by law to apply for a permit with rigorous background & follow-up checks with a hefty fee we will begin to see more responsible breeders, & backyard breeders will become a thing of the past. This will relieve an overwhelming burden on our animal shelters & tax payers. There is absolutely no sense in animals being slaughtered by the millions in the day & age. Please sign this petition making the Carolinas the first in responsible breeding practices.

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