Demand Twitter drop lawsuit threat against nonprofit tracking hate speech

Instead of fighting hate speech, Twitter is fighting the people fighting hate speech:

"Elon Musk has over the last year threatened legal action against tech competitors, employees and people who use Twitter, which he owns. Now he is also taking aim at an organization that studies hate speech and misinformation on social media....X Corp., the parent company of the social media company, sent a letter on July 20 to the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a nonprofit that conducts research on social media...threatening to sue.

Imran Ahmed, the chief executive of Center for Countering Digital Hate, said, "Elon Musk's actions represent a brazen attempt to silence honest criticism and independent research." He added that Mr. Musk wanted to "stem the tide of negative stories and rebuild his relationship with advertisers." (Source: NYT)

It's been obvious to anyone watching that hate speech is everywhere on Twitter, and that the company is doing little about it. Instead of taking action to stop it, it is using legal threats against the people shining a spotlight on it.  This is unacceptable, and we must stand up against it, and stand with those trying to do the right thing.

Add your name, and tell Twitter to drop its lawsuit threat against the Center for Countering Digital Hate.

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