Tell Carnival Cruises To Stop Dumping Plastics And Trash Into Our Oceans

Carnival cruises has been busted once again dumping oil, plastics and trash into the ocean. They have been fined $20 million dollars by the U.S. Attorney Generals office. This however is not the first time they have been caught doing this. In 2016 they were caught dumping and were placed on probation. Now is the time to tell Carnival Cruises To stop dumping in the ocean. By signing this you agree to boycott carnival cruises if they keep up this practice of hurting the environment and sea life by continuing to dump oil, plastics and trash. By signing this you agree to not spend another cent on Carnival Cruises until they clean their act up.

Actualizar #1hace 5 años
Petition is closing soon. Sending signatures to Carnival leadership. Thank you all for your support!
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