Reunion Rescue is a longtime pit bull rescue and advocacy group. We are recognized the world over for our work saving pit bulls and other animals.
When our rescue Great Pyrenees LuLu accidentallly got through the fence Thursday, May 21, 2015, director Cindy Marabito immediately drove to Austin Animal Center to redeem LuLu, who's been in our care for 2.5 years after having been abandoned by a domestic abuse family in which the adopter was beating and threatening to kill LuLu.
Austin Animal Shelter refused to redeem LuLu to Reunion and has already returned LuLu to the former group which placed her in a harmful situation INTACT so LuLu could be bred to sell puppies. We have cared for LuLu for three years where she's been fed a holistic raw diet and bonded so much with Nolan, we have only agreed to adopt them together.
This 'group' refuses to give LuLu back to the rescue where she has been lovingly cared for, walked in Strut Your Mutt with Nolan and Reunion Rescue for two consecutive years and featured in our calendar for three years. What kind of 'rescue' operates like this and how many other animals is this group giving out to sketchy homes? We plan to fight through the courts to bring LuLu back to safety so she will not wind up in another abusive and abandoned neglectful situation.
When Austin Animal Shelter counter person stated to 'rescue' over the phone, 'EWWW, she rescues pit bulls…' person on microchip refused to release LuLu to us where she has been loved and cared for two and 1/2 years. We did not see the breedist anti-pit statements from Austin Animal Shelter coming.
Certainly, one would expect a shelter in Austin, Texas to not let breed specific audible statements be heard. I returned to the Austin Animal Shelter today in order to try and rectify a bad situation by asking if the shelter director could take a meeting with myself and with the microchip owner who left LuLu in an abusive situation unaltered and to be bred.
Phillips has not followed up on Lulu during the entire time she has been with us and left LuLu at Austin Animal Shelter last night where LuLu is still impounded at this writing.
Not only was I treated rudely by 'lead' person Holly Odom, but when I tried to wait and file an animal abuse report with the police department at Holly Odom's suggestion, the interim director, Chris Noble, accosted me and threatened to throw me in jail. In order to create a paper trail of this insane situation, I called the police department again and filed my own complaint. I sit waiting in my car for the police and am accosted by Austin Animal Shelter 'lead person' Holly Odom with the arriving policeman.
Again, I tried to explain the situation when I was interrupted by Odom who began falsifying her police statement. I was issued a Criminal Trespassing citation based on false statements and claims by Odom and told never to set foot at Austin Animal Shelter again. Please sign our petition and keep current with updates. We will be filing a lawsuit to regain LuLu and will be naming the city of Austin for harassment and endangerment to an animal.
Please share LuLu's story and chip in fund to pay legal costs demanding the city of Austin right their wrongs and return LuLu to rightful legal owner, Reunion Rescue.
Cindy Marabito
Director, Reunion Rescue
Dear Animal Supporter: Reunion Rescue is a longtime pit bull rescue and advocacy group. We are recognized the world over for our work saving pit bulls and other animals. LuLu and Reunion Rescue at Strut Your Mutt. When our rescue Great Pyrenees LuLu accidentallly got through the fence Thursday, May 21, 2015, director Cindy Marabito immediately drove to Austin Animal Center to redeem LuLu, who's been in our care for 2.5 years after having been abandoned by a domestic abuse family in which the adopter was beating and threatening to kill LuLu. Austin Animal Shelter refused to redeem LuLu to Reunion and has already returned LuLu to the former group which placed her in a harmful situation INTACT so LuLu could be bred to sell puppies. We have cared for LuLu for three years where she's been fed a holistic raw diet and bonded so much with Nolan, we have only agreed to adopt them together. This Beverly Phillips (who is not even picking up LuLu from the pound today) refuses to give LuLu back to the rescue where she has been lovingly cared for, walked in Strut Your Mutt with Nolan and Reunion Rescue for two consecutive years and featured in our calendar for three years. What kind of 'rescue' operates like this and how many other animals is this group giving out to sketchy homes? We plan to fight through the courts to bring LuLu back to safety so she will not wind up in another abusive and abandoned neglectful situation. When Austin Animal Shelter counter person stated to Beverly Phillips over the phone, ‘EWWW, she rescues pit bulls…’ Phillips refused to release LuLu to us where she has been loved and cared for two and 1/2 years. We did not see the breedist anti-pit statements from Austin Animal Shelter coming. Certainly, one would expect a shelter in Austin, Texas to not let breed specific audible statements be heard. I returned to the Austin Animal Shelter today in order to try and rectify a bad situation by asking if the shelter director could take a meeting with myself and with ‘Beverly Phillips’ the microchip owner who left LuLu in an abusive situation unaltered and to be bred. Phillips has not followed up on Lulu during the entire time she has been with us and left LuLu at Austin Animal Shelter last night where LuLu is still impounded at this writing. Not only was I treated rudely by ‘lead’ person Holly Odom, but when I tried to wait and file an animal abuse report with the police department at Holly Odom’s suggestion, the interim director, Chris Noble, accosted me and threatened to throw me in jail. In order to create a paper trail of this insane situation, I called the police department again and filed my own complaint. I sit waiting in my car for the police and am accosted by Austin Animal Shelter ‘lead person’ Holly Odom with the arriving policeman. Again, I tried to explain the situation when I was interrupted by Odom who began falsifying her police statement. I was issued a Criminal Trespassing citation based on false statements and claims by Odom and told never to set foot at Austin Animal Shelter again. Please sign our petition and keep current with updates. We will be filing a lawsuit to regain LuLu and will be naming the city of Austin for harassment and endangerment to an animal. Cindy Marabito Director, Reunion Rescue
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