Support the Kearny community garden initiative!

 This garden will serve to beautify, educate and nourish the Kearny community. It is a demonstration of ordinary citizens working together to build something beautiful. Kearny will benefit from this productive use of public land.  Sign with us to help make the Kearny community garden a reality! 

Dear Mayor Santos,


   We, the undersigned, are motivated citizens and friends of Kearny. We are interested in helping your efforts to keep and continue to make Kearny great!  We are certain that through small actions, such as our proposed community garden, Kearny will benefit and thrive. We seek to expand the idea of what is possible within our community so that we can all share the best quality of life possible. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Erin Beth Donnelly, and Jenny and David Mach 

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