Petition: Reduce scale of proposed open-pit gold mine in Rosia Montana, Western Carpathians, Romania

  • al: concerned citizens
  • destinatario: Romanian president, Environmental Minister, Water and Forestry Minister, Economical forestry, local authorities

Please do not only sign the petition but add a comment stating the reason you oppose to the open-pit mining project. Please leave also some personal details regarding your age, nationality and professional background. Specialists are asked and encouraged to sign this petition.

This petition is intended to make a difference and have a real impact on the public consciousness by being used as an impartial, honest survey document on the public opinion about the Rosia Montana gold-mining project.

Please take into account that:

Despite the alleged positive impact on the local and national economy, the project wil have a tremendous impact on the landscape of one of the most valuable historical and natural region of Romania:

-          The terrain configuration will be definitively transformed:

o   4 mountains will be dissolved

o   1 dam for the largest tailings lake in the country will be constructed

o   4 villages will be wiped out the surface

-          The impact on the population will be desastrous because over 750 families will be resettled and 1,000 properties will be submerged, thus in the operational area

-          The mining company is only a junior with no previous experience and the local constructors are not skilled enough to build such a large dam

Indigenous people want to create instead alternatives for the development of local economy, through agro-eco-tourism and eco-agriculture (traditional zootechnics, livestock, farming, forestry, etc). These initiatives were blocked by an urbanism general master plan that was financed by the company and without any fundamenting studies embraced the project as the only economical opportunities, blocking thus the access to European structural funds.

Despite the approach of the company, their reporting sounds mostly like buying a license to operate and it can be categorized as green washing, without a real concern about sustainability. The project supporters play unfairly, using campaigns to influence the citizens by insisting on the lack of jobs in the mining region, neglecting the fact that this state of affairs is general, at country level.

Now they managed to arrange a referendum which was initially supposed to be at national level, but it was restricted only to county (regional) level.

Please participate to this outcry so that the authorities find alternative solutions to cyanide mining, reduce the scale of operatins and the social impacts and allow a balanced development of the region.

Please leave a comment on why you think the project is not fair.

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