Let us Raise Chickens in our OWN Backyard, Bolingbrook, IL!

    Currently it is Illegal to own and raise any number of Chickens in Bolingbrook, Illinois. The problem is that these Chickens cannot even belong on one's own property! Chickens are not even a danger to the public, they can be more hygienic and as safe, and less noisy (hens) as owning a dog or any other kind of legal pet. In fact, Chickens behave with the same curiosity as cats, they're adorable! The people of Bolingbrook should have the right to decide what they can do in their own backyards, especially when the object in question cannot do any harm nor interfere with the lives of anyone else. According to Bolingbrook Village Attorney James Boan, the question whether Bolingbrook residents should be allowed to keep Chickens in coops in their own backyards has "[n]ever come up". Let the people of Bolingbrook be heard! Our municipality should hear that we desire this amendment in our legal code, let us raise chickens in our own backyard!
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