Stop Funding to Huntingdon Life Science Laboratories

  • al: Animal Advocates
  • destinatario: AstraZeneca, Headquarters and Pharmaceuticals LP

Huntingdon Life Science is Europe's most exposed animal testing laboratory and have been filmed cutting open monkeys while still alive, punching animals in the face, falsifying experimental test data and flouting regulations on a regular basis.

As a company that claims to achieve excellence and reliability in drug research, I am surprised to learn that you contract experiments inside a laboratory that has had their license revoked and exposed falsifying test data for clients. I would like to use this opportunity to request that you cease your contracts with this horrendous laboratory and invest in more reliable sources of data research.


Huntingdon Life Science is Europe's most exposed animal testing laboratory and have been filmed cutting open monkeys while still alive, punching animals in the face, falsifying experimental test data and flouting regulations on a regular basis.

As a company that claims to achieve excellence and reliability in drug research, I am surprised to learn that you contract experiments inside a laboratory that has had their license revoked and exposed falsifying test data for clients. I would like to use this opportunity to request that you cease your contracts with this horrendous laboratory and invest in more reliable sources of data research.


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