Demand that a law be introduced against the incarceration of wild monkeys as pets in Mauritius.

  • al: chandra walker
  • destinatario: The Hon. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, The Prime Minister of The Republic of Mauritius, Mauritius

No one is sure about the numbers of wild monkeys that are kept as pets in Mauritius, I have seen several in the west and many more
around the island.

As it stands it is perfectly legal for the abductions and imprisonment of these wild intelligent and clever animals.

With the best of intentions and commitments the needs of the monkeys cannot be met. Wild Mauritian macaques are highly intelligent, complex and social animals with unique environmental, behavioural and dietary needs.

The monkeys are condemned to solitary confinement for their entire lives in tiny cages, tied up mostly around the waist and worst of all the animals are repeatedly poked with sticks by children and adults alike for fun. Observations of the lucky pet monkeys that have made it to monkey sanctuaries demonstrate severe physical and psychological disorders as a direct result of their past lives.

Trapping and removing wild monkeys from their natural environment to be domestic pets is not only cruel but unacceptable in the 21st century. Monkeys need space and the right to live free.

A law that bans people for keeping wild animal especially monkeys as pets is crucial and should in force as soon as possible It will send a clear message to people who abuse animals.

You, Sir have the power to introduce this legislation.

Actualizar #5hace 7 años
Actions speak louder than words..heartfelt gratitude to alll my signers on behalf of the pet monkeys wishing for a stop to the unnatural lives that they are unduring everyday for the rest of their lives
I appeal to the people of MAURITIUS for your support to bring about the change that is so desperately needed. Please sign my petition and share it.
Actualizar #4hace 7 años
Thank you all for your support for my petition, more signatures are needed, please can you share to friends that you have not" shared..ALSO if you have signed, can you return to the link below and "note it" to the left of the title. This is will unable to promote the petition.I have one chance to hopefully affect change and help our macaques monkeys. I am counting on you all. Many thanks
Actualizar #3hace 7 años
Can I please ask friends who have not sign my petition to please do so and share.
The taking of wild monkeys is more widespread than when I started the is too late for the animals that are being subjected to unnatural lives but with you help we can hopefully put a stop to future suffering of these amazing macaques.
Thank you all
Actualizar #2hace 8 años
Thank you so much for your signatures.
Can I please ask for more help from you all. I really need a lot more signatures to support my petition. I am confident that that we could achieve the goal of 2000 but cannot do this without you all
Thank you
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Our world would be a much better place for future generations for the actions of all who have signed my petition especially to those from Mauritius who want to bring about the much need legislation to protect our wildlife.please help to promote my petition.

Thank You All and Please Share!
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