Wisconsin is rich in fresh water resources. These waters, which are the common property of all citizens, are under attack by interests intent on exploiting them for economic gain or personal profit. We demand that Sen. Harsdorf and Rep. Jarchow take all necessary steps to prevent further degradation of groundwater and surface waters within our state. We further demand that they drop efforts to dismantle the Department of Natural Resources.
Dear Rep. Jarchow & Sen. Harsdorf,
We are your constituents and we are requesting that you take all necessary steps in your roles as our elected representatives to protect the ground and surface waters that Wisconsin has been so richly blessed with. Among those steps we ask that you do the following:
1) Return to Wisconsin counties the authority to set their own shoreland zoning standards stricter than state minimums.
2) Abandon plans to dismantle the Department of Natural Resources.
3) Oppose rule changes making it easier for riparian property owners to dredge lake or river beds.
4) Take steps to effectively monitor and regulate the pumping of our aquifers by high capacity wells.
Please know that we will be watching your votes on these issues. Future generations will thank you for taking positive action on behalf of our Wisconsin waters. And so will we!