Demand an end to the Displacent of 16yr old Managed Feral Cat Colony

A NYS Senator is actively helping a local Co op who are chronic environmental offenders of State/ Federal law under the guise of cleaning a NY City owned lot to disrupt and remove a Managed 16 yr old Feral Cat Colony , Le Cats on the Water a 501(C) 3 Not for Profit Charity Feline TNR Group need your outcry. Please take the time to sign this important petition to protect this Community Cat Colony.

Hi , to all that have signed this petition, we wish to thank you for your help. It seems that this Senator has no problem spending taxpayer money on a maiing explaining how he is going keep LeCats on the Water out of any decision making in this process of what will happen to our  16yr old Managed Feral Cat Colony. Which we are sure was his purpose from the beginning. What saddens me is the fact a local Feral Cat Group is politically helping them, I will not name their name because I love TNR , I know what TNR means to the cat community. Please continue to support us.

Actualizar #1hace 8 años
Please go to for more info , Event Page , Thank you for your support
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