Leave Bailey Park Alone, it's a Historic, 199 year old Park
The Somers Parks & Recreation Dept. (about 9 people) want to take trees down and install 3500 square feet of pavers and a walkway on Bailey Park. The cost for this project would cost the taxpayers roughly $143,000.
The rural character of our Town has slowly been destroyed with all the building that has gone on for the last decade. Let's save the precious HISTORIC land we have left.
The Town Board has tabled the vote for NOW. The Parks and Rec. Dept. thinks only a couple people are against this project. This is why we created this petition to let them know there are more against it than they think. We need to make our voices heard.
Town Board Member Tom Garrity said at the 12/2/21 Town Board Mtg. that "it is not a go to destination" but he thinks it could be with spending this money. Putting down pavers, taking trees down, putting in tables, putting up a 6 foot fence, taking away memorial benches, a unity garden plaque and the 19th century concrete water trough is not going to make it a go to destination all of a sudden. Bailey Park has no parking, it's noisy and it's already a very congested area and it's dangerous trying to cross the street to get there. Mr. Garrity also did not know that this park is in the business historic area which is comprised of 56 acres and is listed on the national registry of historic places.
The Historical Society and Societies of Landmarks Committee and Open Space Committee says this current project negatively impacts the area.
The Parks & Rec. spokesperson Kevin Westerman said that this project would make houses worth more. This may be his opinion but there is no way to foresee this.
Please sign the Petition if you are NOT in favor of this project.
Actualizar #1hace 3 años
Thank you all for your support on the Bailey Park Petition. We need to get as many signatures as possible by January 26, 2022. Please tell your friends to go to www.Care2.com and search Bailey Park..
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