Why allow, Romania's current government, its citizens, to still act irresponsible and allow dogs to multiply uncontrollably so that the country still has stray dogs?
When will Romania as a Member State of the European Union since 2007, to take responsibility and implement laws addressed the people of Romania? - which is the root cause of the problem of abandoned and homeless companion animals - dogs that the country later renames to stray dogs.
When will Romania to realize that the solution to the problem of stray dogs is not solved by mass slaughter - when will Romania learn from other countries in Europe that do not have stray dogs - when will Romania legislate that it is criminal to abandon a companion animal and punish its citizens in instead of the animals?
When will Romania as a Member State of the European Union, recognize that it is contrary to the EU constitutional and European Conventions, to blame the abandoned companion animals and through official and unofficial laws and edicts carry out atrocities against dogs and cats to eliminate the number of abandoned and homeless animals?
Western Europe has no stray dogs since effective laws exist to prevent this. These laws should be urgently introduced throughout the EU and Europe.
Romania must immediately introduce Dog Ownership Registry and that ALL dogs are ID tagged by Microchip. That the owner is obliged by law to have such a watch over the dog - so that the dog does not cause problems for the community, for example, multiply by mistake - and the registered dog owner is obliged to provide basic care for the dog according to laws, regulations, conventions and treaties and that this must be respected.
We, the citizens of Europe, wonder why this is not yet implemented and why Romania as a Member State of the European Union chooses cruelty to animals by cruel dog catching methods and deliberate starvation and assassination of dogs in municipal enclosures - rather than targeted laws to those responsible namely, the citizens of Romania - so that the cruel management of stray dogs ends.
Why allow, Romania's current government, its citizens, to still act irresponsible and allow dogs to multiply uncontrollably so that the country still has stray dogs?
When will Romania as a Member State of the European Union, to take responsibility and implement laws addressed to the people of Romania? - which is the root cause of the problem of abandoned and homeless companion animals - dogs that the country later renames to stray dogs.
When will Romania to realize that the solution to the problem of stray dogs is not solved by mass slaughter - when will Romania learn from other countries in Europe that do not have stray dogs - when will Romania legislate that it is criminal to abandon a companion animal and punish its citizens in instead of the animals?
When will Romania as a Member State of the European Union, recognize that it is contrary to the EU constitutional and European Conventions, to blame the abandoned companion animals and through official and unofficial laws and edicts carry out atrocities against dogs and cats to eliminate the number of abandoned and homeless animals?
Western Europe has no stray dogs since effective laws exist to prevent this. These laws should be urgently introduced throughout the EU and Europe.
Romania must immediately introduce Dog Ownership Registry and that ALL dogs are ID tagged by Microchip. That the owner is obliged by law to have such a watch over the dog - so that the dog does not cause problems for the community, for example, multiply by mistake - and the registered dog owner is obliged to provide basic care for the dog according to laws, regulations, conventions and treaties and that this must be respected.
We, the citizens of Europe, wonder why this is not yet implemented and why Romania as a Member State of the European Union chooses cruelty to animals by cruel dog catching methods and deliberate starvation and assassination of dogs in municipal enclosures - rather than targeted laws to those responsible namely, the citizens of Romania - so that the cruel management of stray dogs ends.
Information from Save the Dogs - In late March 2014, a group of employees of ASPA, the Veterinary Authority managing the stray dogs phenomenon in Bucharest, broke into two facilities belonging to the associations Vier Pfoten and Paws2Rescue. With a great cruelty documented by some videos (Attention: video containing shocking images) that are circulating on the internet, the municipality operators dragged 90 dogs out of the kennels, killing four of them, according to the statements of some witnesses. Fifteen of the animals taken away have recently been neutered and were therefore under medical assistance.
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