NO to the sale of DEAD ANIMALS on EBAY

If you type on EBay a keyword like "TAXIDERMY", you will find easily in the United States, in England and other countries, corpses of wild animals which were only massacred with the aim of being sold on this website.

Foxes, coyottes, bobcats (3 species often shown on picture still alive, frightened, prisoners of traps, before being massacred by suffocation or beat to death, so that skins are not damaged for taxidermy works), rabbits, squirrels, ermines, ferrets, moles, mouse .... but also lot of wild birds species : turtledoves, thrushes, blackbirds, ravens, magpies, jays... as well as sometimes protected species (Photos of corpses shown on picture are a small example, they were found on Ebay US and Ebay UK, only during a few days of this October 2014).

It is UNACCEPTABLE and SCANDALOUS that a international website like EBAY is directly responsible for the massacre of SEVERAL THOUSAND ANIMALS by allowing the sale of their corpses online. With the world economic crisis, this phenomenon does not stop increasing, more and more people disrespectful of the wildlife kill animals for profit, by selling them on Ebay.

LET US SEND emails of protest to Ebay !
LET US FORBID these massacres of animals !
LET US ASK to Ebay to stop encouraging these unbearable practices !

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