Please help us to save the life of Leopard cats (Joho) in Miaoli, Taiwan

  • al: Ban Birds
  • destinatario: Miaoli and all Taiwan government

Thank you all your support. The environmental evaluation committee had temporally rejected the request from the Miaoli Goverment to develop the habitat of the Joho in SanYi, Miaoli, on April 16th. Please keep following this animal welfare issue until a new proposal is provided protect the rights of wildlife. 

Fewer than 500 leopard cats (P. bengalensis) are living in Miaoli, a county located in mid-Taiwan. These leopard cats could become extinct because the Miaoli government plans to cooperate with Yulong Vehicle Company, FuLuSo Funeral Service company and other powerful profit-making entities to develop an area that originally belonged to leopard cats. The companies have started engineering work even though an environmental evaluation has yet to be fully completed. Nobody should tolerate these activities, but they just want to do it. Please help us to spread this news and make it possible for leopard cats to live safely in the wild. We appreciate your caring.

ps. In Taiwanese, the leopard cat is named "Joho" which means "Rock Tiger" or so.

A lost baby leopard cat was found in a partially developed suburb in Miaoli.  Picture: A lost baby leopard cat was found in a partially developed suburb in Miaoli. 

Please visit for more information.

Please do not let the remaining 500 Taiwan leopard cats disappear. Please stop the industrial development in this area (Miaoli, Taiwan).

Actualizar #3hace 10 años
I joined a minisymposium for the life and habitat of leopard cats (Joho) on Jun. 7th. The speaker, Miss May-Ting Chen, a Ph.D. candidate in National PingTung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan, gave everyone knowledge about Joho in SanYi. She has devoted herself in the protection of Joho more than 10 years, and sometimes she need to fight with government and financial groups. The signatures from Care2 will be sent to her for next Environmental Assessment Meeting to show our faith.
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
A tragedy was occurred this morning (Apr. 28th) in Sanyi, Miaoli County, Taiwan. An adult Joho was run over by a car, and its head was seriously damaged to die. This accidence was occurred at the area just two kilometer away from the FuLuSo Funeral Service Company, which is trying to occupy the habitat of Joho. Unfortunately, this is the third mortal cases of Joho in 6 months.
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Actualizar #1hace 10 años
The response from Miaoli County Magistrate Liu Cheng-Hung was reported on 4/19. (The News were originally written in Mandarin. Please use Google Translater to read through the article. It may contain many English errors, The bottomline of this article is Magistrate refused to accept the rejection from Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)).

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