Thousand of sheep cooked alive, make this stop!

  • al: Michael Taylor
  • destinatario: Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia

The worst live export shipboard disaster in recent history.

The risks of lengthy sea voyages for animals were well known, with almost 20,000 sheep dying onboard every year. But this one incident is the single worst in recent history.

4000 sheep baked to death. 4000 sheep literally cooked to death from temperatures exceeding 40-degree heat. The suffering must have been unimaginable. To make matter worse, they tried to cover it up. This was over five months ago.

This very same ship was seen again, a few weeks ago, once again loading sheep in 44-degree heat. We can assume they met the same fate.

Australia's live export trade had repeatedly proven to be ineffective in delivering all sheep and cattle to a humane death once they left Australia.

The Australian public should be outraged that this horrific incident was hidden in the weeks leading up to the federal election, and even more outraged that incidents like these are repeatedly been covered up. How many more have died horrible, callous deaths? More than we are being lead to believe, I can assure you.

Tony Abbott, it’s time! We need an overhaul of the live animal export trade.

Add your name to the list of people, citizens of the world, not just Australians that we are sick of this cruelty. We must all stand up! We can make a difference!


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