Please slow down for horse's

This is a petition to the local council, to allow slow down for horses signs to be put up around our surrounding areas of Stanton livery yard A444, Bridle Lane, Burton on trent, and Rosliston Road Drakelow.

Driver's need to be aware of horses crossing or riding on these roads to prevent a terrible accident from happening again to one of our horse riders.
One of our horse riders, an extremely safety cautious lady, was hit by a car whilst riding along Rosliston road on Sunday 12th of July 2014, midday. Our friend and the driver luckily has come away bruised and in extreme shock, but unfortunately our friend 's pride and joy horse did not walk away from the scene.This is a terrible time for our friend to go through such an horrendous tragedy, and all our thoughts are with her.
If slow down for horse signs were put up along the road this may of prevented this accident from happening. Please sign our petition and help us to get these signs put in to place.

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