The Town of Fountain Hills is seeking outside legal counsel, to assist them with revising or replacing, their existing Wireless Telecommunications Facility Ordinance. Expert Telecommunications Attorney Andrew Campanelli has 31 years of experience and would be an invaluable asset to the Town of Fountain Hills, for that endeavor.
Campanelli offers counsel to local governments and performs in-depth analyses of local zoning ordinances, to advise which amendments should be made to local zoning codes to vest respective local governments with the broadest power to control the placements of cell towers and other wireless facilities, to the full extent intended by the United States Congress, when it preserved such powers to local governments under the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
In addition, Campanelli specializes in litigating cases pertaining to the Telecommunications Act and has handled over 7,000 cases and litigated more than 1,000 cases to conclusion. Campanelli's specialty is defending local governments in federal court, when a carrier or wireless site developer commences an action against them under the Telecommunications Act.
Therefore, we the undersigned residents of Fountain Hills, Arizona, respectfully ask our town councilmembers, to retain Attorney Andrew Campanelli, for the aforementioned services described above.
Actualizar #2hace 1 años
I am so pleased to announce that thanks to everyone who signed this petition, the Town of Fountain Hills has retained expert Attorney Andrew Campanelli, to draft the town's new Small Cell Wireless Telecommunications Facility Ordinance. The members of Fountain Hills Safe Tech would like to especially thank Councilmembers Gerry Friedel, Brenda Kalivianakis, Allen Skillicorn and Hannah Toth, for making this historic decision on behalf of the residents. We thank everyone for your ongoing support.
Actualizar #1hace 1 años
The council interviewed Attorney Andrew Campanelli & Attorney Jonathan Kramer -The Telecom Law Firm, to decide which one to hire. Email the council to say it is imperative that Andrew Campanelli is hired & NOT Jonathan Kramer.