Loggers are detroying the beautiful rocky, hilly Boreal forest area near Benny, Ontario that is home to moose, deer, bear, fox, lynx, plants and medicines that have kept us well and happy for so long. No one will be coming to hunt, fish, or gather after the animals' homes and food supply are destroyed. Aboriginal and Treaty rights to do so will become meaningless as a result of the current Forestry Management Plan that MNRF has put in place. Neither Canada nor Ontario has a right to do this or to give anyone else this right. Their integrity is on the line. Please listen those who will ensure its ongoing well-being for the sake of their children and grandchildren, and for the sake of all the Indigenous plants, animals and medicines which are a part of their families too. Big business forestry operations have no place near Benny. Enough is enough!
Dear Hon. Mauro,
Forestry and related activities have already significantly infringed on my unextinguished right to hunt, fish and gather in my ancestral homeland. They now threaten my ability to run my business, Camp Eagle Nest, and teach traditional knowledge to youth.
My band, Atikameksheng Anishnawbek (Whitefish Lake First Nation) has not consented to the forestry operations. Chief Steve Miller has written two letters, the latest to Trevor Griffin, District Manager of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, to support my interests in the area and ask that operations cease until residents’ issues and concerns are addressed. The first was dated April 14th and the second on April 24th. Operations ceased for a few days as a result of this correspondence but then resumed despite the verbal assurance of MNRF representative Rick Reynen on April 23rd that they would not before further discussion takes place between the parties involved. MNRF has still not offered any times to meet. My lawyer also requested dates for a meeting in a letter of April 22nd and no response has been received to date (May 11).
Geneva Lake is one of many beautiful lakes in the area I am trying to protect. Several members of The Geneva Lake Cottage Owners Association are supporting my case in the hope that logging operations in their area will thereby be halted or dramatically curtailed. They have organized and participated in several meetings with the MNRF and Eacom on this issue including one in Benny with me. They are especially concerned about the proposed use of herbicides after logging has taken place, as well as the despoilment of the land, speckled trout and other fish spawning areas, shelter for deer, bear, fox and other game with only a 30 m. protection between their road and clearcuts in the Forestry Management Plan that your ministry has approved.
There are two cemeteries located in Benny: a cemetery with about 50 native burial grounds, and a Catholic cemetery with an unknown number of native burials. My ancestors are buried in each of these grounds. There are additional burial grounds in the area which are not marked.
The area includes medicinal plants like swampy iron wood, Labrador tea, sweetgrass, sage and cedar, and is habitat for moose, rabbits, beaver, bear, fox, and porcupine. The area includes old growth forest, which supports Species at Risk including: Blanding’s Turtle, Common Nighthawk, Barn Swallow, Canada Warbler, Eastern Meadowlark, Eastern Whip-poor-will and Chimney Swift. These are species that the MNRF routinely identifies to mining companies in the area as requiring legal protection. However, when it comes to forestry, MNRF is permitting logging to destroy this old growth habitat, including red and white pine, and the species that it supports.
My people lived well in the Benny area continuously, long before settlers arrived. I’ve had to fight since kindergarten to survive. My father fought with the Canadian army in WWII so his children would have a chance at life. Why do I have to fight again to protect the land that has always been ours?
If you would agree to stop logging this area now, we would be eternally grateful.
Clyde McNichol, friends and supporters.
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