Arrest and Fire Detective Jeff Payne

    Salt Lake City police say an officer seen on video dragging a screaming nurse from a hospital and handcuffing her will be put on paid administrative leave after prosecutors called for a criminal investigation.

    Police Chief Mike Brown said in a statement Friday that his department will comply with the investigation into Detective Jeff Payne. He arrested nurse Alex Wubbels after she refused to allow blood to be drawn from an unconscious victim, in line with hospital policy.

    Salt Lake County's Unified Police Department will run the criminal probe into Payne's actions on July 26, which got widespread attention after Wubbels and her lawyers released the dramatic video Thursday. And the detective is now on paid leave.
    CBS affiliate KUTV reports that Wubbels had the backing of her bosses, one of them was on the phone with her and could be heard on the video telling Det. Payne, "Sir you are making a huge mistake right now because you are threatening a nurse."

    Despite the warning, Payne is heard saying, "We are done, we are done, you are under arrest."

    He can then be seen grabbing Wubbels and cuffing her as she screams, "You're assaulting me stop! I've done nothing wrong! This is crazy! This is crazy!" We need to make sure this never happens again. This officer was in the wrong and shows that he thinks he can over power the week . This is wrong and he will not get away with this. Sign this
    Actualizar #1hace 7 años
    Update!!! Thank you all who supported the nurse. This just in.

    The Detective was just FIRED!!!!
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