Stop UK Lab's Puppy and Kitten Experiments!

A UK lab owned by pharmaceutical giant Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) is using healthy puppies, kittens and other animals to conduct tests for veterinary vaccines such as kennel cough, parvovirus and feline calcivirus.

These lively animals, which include beagle puppies and their nursing mothers, could be adopted out to loving homes. Instead they are subject to gruesome trials by desensitized researchers. Undercover photos and video footage show puppies yelping and panicking before receiving lethal injections. Clearly these animals are aware of their fates. After puppies are used in this manner, the mothers are killed with no apparent effort to adopt them out.

Susie, the activist and animal science university graduate who took the undecover footage, was sickened by what she saw, but hopes it will raise awareness. The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) is hoping to abolish these animal tests in favor of humane, modern test methods like cell bacteria analysis. Please sign the petition to urge MSD to stop conducting tests on animals!

We are concerned that a UK research facility owned by your company is using healthy puppies, kittens and other animals to conduct tests for veterinary vaccines such as kennel cough, parvovirus and feline calcivirus.

These lively animals, which include beagle puppies and their nursing mothers, could be adopted out to loving homes. Instead they are subject to gruesome trials by desensitized researchers. Undercover photos and video footage show puppies yelping and panicking before receiving lethal injections. Clearly these animals are aware of their fates. After puppies are used in this manner, the mothers are killed with no apparent effort to adopt them out.

The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) is hoping to abolish these animal tests in favor of humane, modern test methods like cell bacteria analysis. We respectfully urge you to support these efforts and put an end to animal testing in your labs. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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