Robert Juliano of Wayne Country, NY in October 2015 was charged with criminal possession of marijuana and animal neglect. These dogs were left with no food, water or shelter. The dog pens were full of dried piled feces. Dogs outside the pen were found tied around poles with their water bowls out of reach. A total of 9 dogs were found to be living in poor conditions. Animal Control seized all 9 dogs. As of January 2018, Juliano amassed another 12 dogs along with his "puppy" selling business. Video was obtained January 6th at 6 pm, while temperatures were -10 showing dogs outside with no food, water or shelter. Over 200 calls were made to law enforcement that night. According to Sheriffs' dept., they made several visits to Juliano to bring the dogs in. However, once gone, dogs were returned to same conditions. A press conference of Wayne Country Sheriff and D.A. occurred on Monday where it was stated, law enforcement feels he is still an inadequate pet owner, but Animal Control, Sheriff and D.A., of Wayne Country were continuing educating Juliano - and they (sheriff, D.A and Dog Warden) would personally escort him to buy appropriate dog housing for the future.
#Lyons12 is where you will find this press conference. You will certainly be OUTRAGED.
This petition is not just to free these dogs from their abuser - it is to make sure he NEVER owns another animal. To expose possible 'pay-for-play' corruption in Wayne Country. Ask yourself this, what convicted animal abuser has the help and support of a D.A, Sheriff and Animal Control Officer to rectify another animal neglect situation after conviction?
Robert Juliano of 3507 Middle Sodus Road runs north and south through the Towns of Lyons and Sodus between Maple/South Geneva Road to the west and State Route 14 to the East. He is Car/Owner and Crew Chief at Juliano Racing and is thought to own a Salavage business in Newark, NY.
We need your signature to help further our cause. These animals need to be rescued; shut down his puppy selling business - and added to an animal abuse registry where he will be flagged when attempting to adopt another pet.


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