Blue Jays - say NO to cruel fur coats!

Coyotes are caught in cruel body-gripping traps, killed and skinned - all for a bit of unnecessary fashion. By wearing these coats, the Toronto Blue Jays are promoting the use of fur and the cruelty it entails. Learn more about Canada Goose's use of coyotes and what it really means here.

Coyotes are caught in cruel body-gripping traps, killed and skinned - all for a bit of unnecessary fashion. By wearing these coats, the Toronto Blue Jays are promoting the use of fur and the cruelty it entails. Learn more about Canada Goose's use of coyotes and what it really means here.

We ask that the Toronto Blue Jays say no to this cruelty and join the hundreds of thousands of Canadians who have chosen to Make Fur History.

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