• al: Sarah Dokis
  • destinatario: Minister of Economy Ivan Vrdoljak, President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic

I ask you to sign the petition to stop plans for oil and gas drilling in the Croatian Adriatic Sea. These plans would seriously damage the environment and the people that live in the region. Basin of Adriatic sea is very narrow in proposed area with very strong incoming current that would spread oil spill into massive area. It would possibly render Adriatic a dead see due to loss of wildlife and plants, human habitat would be also inhabitable.
It will also have effect on whole Eco-System of countries who share Adriatic sea with Croatia, including Italy, Albania, Greece, Bosnia & Hercegovina and Montenegro.

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Thank you to all of you who signed this petition. Croatian government has been put under pressure with all petitions, which goes into our favor. Please if you can ask as many friends to sign it, it would be greatly appreciated.
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