Demand Congress Reject Devastating Budget Cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency

  • al: David Phelps
  • destinatario: Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT), Chair, Interior Subcommittee, House Appropriations Committee

The Trump Administration is preparing to slash the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency by a massive 20 percent (or more).

In its just released budget outline, Trump's bean counting new head of the Office of Management & Budget is demanding this devastating cut to EPA programs and staff to help pay for the proposed $54 billion increase in military spending.

The Trump Administration and the new head of the EPA have made it crystal clear that they plan to roll back basic environmental protections for clean water, clean air, emission control, research, and development. And, as climate change deniers, they are ready to stop all EPA efforts on climate change prevention.

Additionally, environmental leaders are highly concerned EPA reductions will put an increased financial burden on the states to fulfill federal mandates, so creating a domino effect placing many state programs at risk

As Congress gets ready to take up the new budget from the Trump Administration, all of us who care deeply about the environment must take action NOW to prevent these deep and destructive cuts to the EPA.

Representative Chris Stewart (R-UT) is the chair of the Interior Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee. As chair, Rep. Stewart oversees the budget appropriations and spending of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Please join me in urging Rep. Stewart and other members of the House Interior Subcommittee to stop any attempts to reverse years of bipartisan work to protect and save our environment and natural resources. Slashing the EPA budget by 20 percent -- or more -- cannot be tolerated.

Actualizar #2hace 7 años
31.4% ($2.6 billion) cut. 3,200 jobs eliminated. The Trump budget released this morning (3/16) slashes and burns the EPA. It's harsh, callous, dangerous -- and deadly.

We must double and redouble our efforts. The president can propose, but the Congress disposes.

Will you share our petition to Congress right now with friends and family? Our new goal is 125,000 signatures.

Thank you for standing up for our planet.


Actualizar #1hace 8 años
Thank you for signing our petition demanding Congress protect funding for the Environmental Protection Agency.

The new head of the EPA just stated CO2 has NO impact on climate change. A bill in the U.S. House of Representatives proposes eliminating the EPA ENTIRELY.

Let Congress know cutting the EPA and its budget is off-limits. Can you help us reach 75,000 signatures on our petition? We must show Congress people-power right now.

David Phelps
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