Stop the Recent FAA Flight Paths over Scottsdale, Arizona

This action is important to enforce the noise abatement process at Scottsdale Airport and to have the recenty FAA flight paths recently redirected over the residential communities of Scottsdale. We deserve to live in a quiet and a non pollutant environment for our familes as well as protect the value of our properties. If you are a Scottsdale, Arizona resident, I encourage you to act and sign this petition.

We the undersigned, petition the Scottsdale city council to direct staff to place into a City Council agenda a discussion on behalf of the residents of Scottsdale concerning noise abatement from the Scottsdale airport and the recent flight pattern changes by the FAA over Scottsdale, Arizona

Actualizar #5hace 8 años
The petition will be presented to the City Council on Tuesday, April 5, 2015 @ 5:00pm.
Please feel free to attend the Scottsdale City Council Meeting located at 3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85251. The more attending the better. Thank you.
Actualizar #4hace 8 años
We are moving to next steps regarding our petition. An EventBrite invitation will be sent out requesting your attendance in participating in an organizational meeting. Bringing people together will help us w/our cause. Thank you...for signing the petition.
Actualizar #3hace 8 años
Thank you everyone one for signing the petition and especially for your comments. Let's continue to fight to protect our rights of a quiet environment. Next steps will be coming shortly. Please pass the petition link along to others. It will require the people to put the pressure on the politicians and the FAA to do the right thing.
Actualizar #2hace 8 años
Thank you everyone for signing the petition and your comments.

We are getting many more responses from Scottsdale residents regarding the increase in flight activity and noise over our homes.

Please circulate the petition to others you know who live in Scottsdale for their signature and comments. Here's a link to the petition:

Thank you..


Actualizar #1hace 8 años
Thank you for taking the time to sign the petition. We are getting some momentum with signatures. Please forward the link to others you know who live in Scottsdale, and are concerned about the increase in Sky Harbor air traffic over our homes.

Here's a link to the petition:

Appreciate it.
firma la petición
firma la petición
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