Justice for Monroe an Luna

  • al: Krista L
  • destinatario: Brooke county circuit court

Feb 18th my life changed when my two dogs were falsley accused of getting loose and attacking a little dog they were ripped from their home n away from their family n babies then March 8th we went to court an judge ordered my girls be KILLED even though the officer seen no injuries they didn't have no medical bills or even photos of injuries or any type of proof this attack ever happened
I however had proof these ppl have lied in the past an got caught making false allegations also I had photos n witnesses to show my girls loved ppl n all animals this didn't matter they ordered my girls to be killed for no reason then denied me my right to appeal told me my babies were dead an I cldnt even bring them home to bury them because it was dangerous well I am appealing this decision an If I can't save my girls from this corupt system I will get justice but hopefully we can still save them I'm asking anyone who supports me an my girls an agree they were wrong to kill two innocent animals for no reason to sign an show support as I get ready for one of the biggest fights of my life I have three children that are heartbroken an a toddler that won't sleep without his roe roe I am their voice an I won't be sileneced thank you for supporting me n my girls through out this night mare💜🐶 #Justice for monroe and luna fb page💜🐶

Actualizar #1hace 5 años
We have won many battles for Luna, Monroe And the citizens of Brooke county but now is the WAR it’s voting time and I need everyone’s help. Let’s get this cruel, cold, power happy woman OFF THE BENCH for good. its up to us to protect the people and pets of Brooke county...So PLEASE get out theres and vote & end the corruption for good.
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