Prosecute Man Who Covered Puppy in Hot Sauce

  • al: Lauren S
  • destinatario: Ed Brodsky, State Attorney — 12th Judicial Circuit

On February 23, 2014, police in Sarasota, Florida arrested Ephrian Myles for abusing his girlfriend's dog.

The Sarasota Police reports that three-month-old Gizmo (a chihuahua-dachscund mix) has a history of seizures. During one of these seizures, Myles took a bottle of hot sauce and began to pour it on Gizmo, getting the sauce in the puppy's eyes and throat. Gizmo is out of danger, but when he received medical attention it was noted that he had gone limp, with trouble breathing and eyes swollen shut.

Myles has been charged with felony aggravated animal cruelty. Tell the State's Attorney you support the maximum penalty for this heinous crime!

Dear Mr. Brodsky,

We commend the Sarasota Police Department for their arrest in a heinous case of animal cruelty that involved a man pouring hot sauce on a three-month-old puppy experiencing a seizure. The perpetrator, Ephrian Myles, has been rightly charged with felony aggravated animal cruelty. It was reported that the puppy was limp, with swollen eyes and breathing difficulties when administered medical attention. We ask that your office prosecute Myles to the fullest extent of the law for this malicious act.


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