Petition to Create a Green Dog Friendly Area, (DFA) in Schreiber Park

For over two years, the dog owners in the Schreiber Park Area have self- policed, beautified and maintained the East Schreiber Park lot to provide running space for their dogs and build a strong community of dog owners in the South Rogers Park/ North Edgewater neighborhood.  We are committed in designating this lot as an official City of Chicago Dog Friendly Area, (DFA).  We are also committed to establishing the area as Chicago%u2019s first GREEN DFA.  That is, we want the area to remain a natural grassy space free from concrete and costly trappings associated with other City of Chicago DFAs.

For over two years, the dog owners in the Schreiber Park Area have self- policed, beautified and maintained the East Schreiber Park lot to provide running space for their dogs and build a strong community of dog owners in the South Rogers Park/ North Edgewater neighborhood.  We are committed in designating this lot as an official City of Chicago Dog Friendly Area, (DFA).  We are also committed to establishing the area as Chicago%u2019s first GREEN DFA.  That is, we want the area to remain a natural grassy space free from concrete and costly trappings associated with other City of Chicago DFAs.

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