Petition to Stop Vivante Cut Through into Charlotte Harbor

We, the residents of Punta Gorda and surrounding areas, petition the Punta Gorda City Council to deny Vent, LLC’s application to Punta Gorda Zoning and Code Compliance for a Special Exception to create a navigable channel from Lake Vivante to Charlotte Harbor. Our request is based on the following criteria:

- Environmental – Destruction of mangroves which are protected by law that create a natural protective boundary from the harbor, endangerment of wild life that inhabit the uniquely shallow and sheltered bay caused by the boating pressure brought on by up to 300 boat wells and increased fishing along the break wall (manatee, dolphin, horseshoe crabs, ducks, other migratory birds), pollution from both noise and fuel leakage, connecting to a potentially infected dead lake which may be host to myriad pollutants.

- Safety – The 860’ rip rap break wall will force kayakers, paddle boarders and paddle boaters from safe shallow water into boat traffic and deeper water that will create unsafe conditions for all parties. The break wall will also pose a threat to “flats boaters” that cut the corner at Colony Pointe Condos.

- Aesthetic Harm – The erection of the break wall, channel and lighted markers will destroy the open and unaltered western view of the harbor and skyline and deprive property owners, walkers, bikers and joggers of this unique natural open view. If this proposed change were implemented the view would be permanently altered and the line of sight would be channel marker signs and a rip- rap barrier, virtually obstructing/changing the current view. This would result in decreased property values for the homeowners of Colony Point.

Sign this petition to oppose a Vent, LLC’s application to create a navigable channel from Lake Vivante to Charlotte Harbor!

Actualizar #3hace 8 años
Next planning board meeting is Wed Nov 2, 2016 1:00pm at 326 West Marion Punta Gorda. We have almost 2,500 local signatures, please try to appear at the meeting as we need all the help we can get! If you wish to voice your opinion, please limit it to 3 minutes.
Thank you all for your support!
Actualizar #2hace 8 años
Reminder: Meeting today August 22nd at 2:00pm
326 West Marion Ave Punta Gorda
Actualizar #1hace 8 años
City of Planning Commission meeting 8/22/16 2:00pm
City Council meeting 9/21/16 9:00am
326 W Marion Punta Gorda, FL 33950

We need everyone to attend these meetings. Please help us save this beautiful untouched estuary.
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