Demand United States to make stricter laws on Mobile Home Park Owners, now!

We need more protection for people who live in mobile home parks. Mobilehome owners who rent land need more individuals encouraging more protection as these are usually for low-income families. Some rules and regulations can just be overwheling and sometimes absurd. How can someone say they are coming in and care about lot renters with reasonable living rates? However, they want to charge several fees for every little thing such as per pet, per person, more than two vehicles, renovations etc. As they even go around buying up several mobilehome parks. Low- income living is perishing especially for those who do not get housing assistance when they are considered to be making too much monies yet making it paycheck to paycheck. 

Would you want to be charged for any maintenace when you want to recolate whether it is to buy or go rent elsewhere? Well landowners can charge rehab/renovations fees if they do not approve of condition of the mobile home when you wish to sell it hence they require home inspections and/or want to check safety reasons apparently. How can individuals be made to pay fees cause they don't agree with a condition of a mobilehome? Any ordinary individual can buy a home in "As Is" condition wherever you go choose to live. Buyer should be responsible for the home they are choosing to purchase not the seller. 

Community Park owners are overstepping and may be intrusive on individuals' privacy. Help demand more rights for tenant lot owners. If the mobile home is not owned by the community then there is no need for them to access or control what is inside the residence other than enforcing a dog breed list, viewing condition at resale but without penalties of conditions, and focusing on outside area as it's their land.

Individuals deserve to protect their belongings and privacy. The only concerns they should have rights to is what concerns directly to their lot and charging application fees to new tenants coming in ensuring the have affordability. There is a limit though. Help demand protection for lot renters who own their mobile homes but rent lot/land. Yes, the landlords should have a right to make sure it is kept tidy on the exterior. Let's get the United States to update the Manufactured Home Community Rights Act "MHCRA". 

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