Prosecute Heartless CEO For Viciously Assaulting His Innocent Dog

You are never too successful to be liable to prosecution. Maybe tell that to this CEO of a California environmental-consulting firm. He decided to grab his innocent Pitbull Beachy, by the ear and neck and forcibly pull him into a hallway.

Beachy – screaming and crying as his owner agonizingly stretched his ear and throttled his neck, was pushed up against a wall and shouted at.

Despite the people working in the apartment building filing a complaint, and that complaint later being lodged to Santa Monica police, there has been very little action taken against this cruel man and the inhumane act he has committed despite the fact there is clear security camera evidence.

Sign to urge Santa Monica cops to charge him with animal abuse and Beachy rehomed in a much happier, loving, abuse-free home.

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