Save the #20 Highbury Bus Service, Wellington, NZ

The Wellington Regional Council is proposing to change the route of the Highbury bus so that there will no longer be any direct access to Kelburn village health and education services' the university and the Terrace. College students will also be affected. The people most affected by this change will be the most vulnerable, the young, the elderly and the income poor. We ask the Regional Council to revoke its decision and commit to a bus service that links to Kelburn village, the university, the Terrace, the railway station and Courtenay Place.
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Thank you for your support to save the 20 Highbury Bus Route. We presented the petition to the Regional Council In September. But they are not prepared to review their decision. We therefore sent a further letter outlining our concerns. I encourage you to continue your support for our campaign and write to the Regional Council outlining your concerns at Thank you for your support.
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