Demand an end to the murder of our black bears

  • al: Vicki Bingaman
  • destinatario: US Forest Service and the CA Dept of Fish & Wildlife (Los Padres National Forest/Kern Co, CA

Early this week an agent of the Forest Service and an agent of CA Dept of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) shot and killed a bear cub (approx. 1 1/2 years old).  He was shot on the greenbelt right behind the residential area of Pine Mtn. Club, CA.

They report that the cub acted aggressively toward them, they tried to frighten the bear away and when it continued to walk toward them they "tried running" to see if the bear would stay away.  According to them when that didn't work they shot it. No warning shot was ever fired.

It is documented that this bear was about the size of a large dog, no more than 100lbs.  Everyone who has experience with the black bears in this area has never witnessed aggression toward humans and if you make a loud noise or throw something they run away.  A resident who reported shots fired said the cub was shot in the back while running away and was shot from a great distance.  Please help us make these agents accountable for their actions and protect these magnificent creatures from future harm and unnecessary death.

Photo courtesy of GBU Mountain News

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
A September 11, 2014 news story stated that 2 more bears were killed by the CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife in Kern Co. this week. One was a 90 lb female who was hit with a tranquilizer 4 separate times and died as a result, Bakersfield, CA. The other bear (size and sex unknown at this time) was shot and killed in Tehachapi, CA.
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