Urge Use Of Provincial Funding To Keep The Monkey Sanctuary Running
- al: Sue Lee
- destinatario: Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario
Many of you may have heard of Darwin the IKEA monkey that has been safely living in a sanctuary in Canada known as the Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary. This facility for the past 15 years has provided a permanent place of safety for primates rescued from the exotic pet trade and biomedical experimentation. Now these primates are in danger of losing their happy home through eviction. The sanctuary is being sold and threatens the life and existence of these primates.
We are now urging Premiere Wynn of Ontario to help with funding to ensure the health and well-being of the primates at the Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary. None of the staff and caretakers want to see the facility closed and the animals misplaced. They are willing to continue providing the care these animals need in the safe environment that they know as home.
We can’t let these primates down. They deserve to be happy and healthy. But the only way to success by urging the Premiere to use provincial funding in an effort to keep the monkey sanctuary open and running. You can help in this effort by sign and sharing this petition; be a voice for those monkeys that need to continue the life, health and happiness they know.
Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario – We strongly urge you to use provincial funding to keep the monkey sanctuary, Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary up and running. Please don’t allow this place to be sold, closed down and all the primates displaced. Support this issue in any way possible and ensure that the monkeys will be able to remain at this sanctuary to live out their lives in a happy and healthy manner.
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