Demand icy shelter for Johannesburg Zoo sun scorched polar bear

In an ideal world, all polar bears currently held in captivity would be moved to expansive, complex, naturalistic paddocks that allow them to roam and behave normally. Polar bears are specifically adapted to cold environments.

Polar bears are very clearly adapted to a wide-ranging life in arctic conditions. Nothing in their physical or behavioural makeup prepares them for life in confined, consistently warm environments and they suffer considerably when exposed to extreme heat,

Of considerable concern is the fact that the Johannesburg Zoo polar bear cannot obtain proper relief from the heat.  The polar bear is left to bake in the hot sun with only a small muddy pool in temparatures as high as 34 degrees celcius. Please help the polar bear by demanding an apporpriate icy shelter with water for him or even better rehabilitating him to return to his natural habitat.

Please demad Take 2 or 3 paragraphs to describe this issue to readers: why it’s important, and why they should sign.

Dear President Zuma

The polar bear at the Johannesburg is living in appaling conditions, left to bake in the hot sun with minimal water for swimming. Polar bears are very clearly adapted to a wide-ranging life in arctic conditions. Nothing in their physical or behavioural makeup prepares them for life in confined, consistently warm environments and they suffer considerably when exposed to extreme heat.

Please create a decent environment suited to the bears natural habitat, that is, an icy climate with access to a vast swimming area. If this is not possible please arrange for the animal to be rehabilitated and rerleased into its natural environment or moved to a more suitable and less cruel environment.

Actualizar #1hace 11 años
Thank you for supporting the Polar Bear. Your signature will help to make a difference to his life. Could you please share this link with all your friends. We need as many signatures as possible. Best regards and once again Thank You!!
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