Mr. Obama - The GENOCIDE in Darfur...please end it!

  • al: Nick McGuire
  • destinatario: President Barack Obama (The White House)

President Obama,
We,  The Undersigned, demand the the following:
1.) For you (President Obama) to urgently address the escalating violence in Darfur.

2.) For you (President Obama) to demand that Bashir, his regime and the involved rebel groups must immediately cease attacks on civilians in Darfur.
3.) For you (Mr. Obama) to designate a high-level official with the necessary stature, authority and mandate to lead your administration's efforts to reach a comprehensive solution in Sudan.

4.) And for you (Mr. Obama) to send in armed forces (if necessary) to Darfur, Sudan for the well being and protection of the innocent civilians of Darfur, Sudan.

Thank you.

Dear Mr. Barack Obama,

       Since 2003 around an estimated 400,000 innocent men, women, and children have been murdered by Government-backed militias.  Family members killed in front of family members, children's heads bashed in, young girls burned alive, and women raped...and for what reason?

Mr. Obama,

   I'v been emailing the White House Comment Line way before Bush left, during the Bush Administration (like many others may have).  And, still mass murder is happening in Darfur, Sudan. 
   Mr. Obama the civilians in Darfur need protection, now!  And, we (with due respect) demand that you (as President of America) act quickly!  We demand that you (Mr. Obama):  1.) Urgently urgently address the escalating violence in Darfur,  2.) Demand that al Bashir, his regime and the involved rebel groups must immediately cease attacks on civilians in Darfur,  3.) Designate a high-level official with the necessary stature, authority and mandate to lead your administration's efforts to reach a comprehensive solution in Sudan, and 4.) (If necessary) Send in Armed forces to Darfur, Sudan for the protection and well being of innocent civilians in Darfur.

Thank you Mr. Barack Obama, for talking time to read this letter.


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