FDA: Say No to Genetically Engineered Salmon!

The Food and Drug Administration is planning to approve the first genetically engineered (GE) animal -- a fast-growing salmon -- to enter the U.S. food supply. This "AquAdvantage" salmon contains a growth hormone gene from the Chinook salmon and a genetic switch from the ocean pout, an eel-like fish. The agency's draft environmental assessment is open to public comment through late February.

According to Center for Food Safety Director Andrew Kimbrell, "The GE salmon has no socially redeeming value. It's bad for the consumer, bad for the salmon industry and bad for the environment. [The] FDA's decision is premature and misguided."

The long-term effects of GE foods on human health remain uncertain. Another concern is the chance that the GE salmon could escape and establish itself in the wild, where they would compete with endangered wild Atlantic salmon for food and mates. Though the chances of this happening are slim, it would have devastating effects on the environment. Please sign the petition to stop the FDA's approval of GE salmon.

To: U.S. Food and Drug Administration:

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your plans to approve the first genetically engineered (GE) animal -- a fast-growing salmon -- to enter the U.S. food supply. 

According to Center for Food Safety Director Andrew Kimbrell, "The GE salmon has no socially redeeming value. It's bad for the consumer, bad for the salmon industry and bad for the environment. [The] FDA's decision is premature and misguided."

The long-term effects of GE foods on human health remain uncertain. Another concern is the chance that the GE salmon could escape and establish itself in the wild, where they would compete with endangered wild Atlantic salmon for food and mates. While we understand the chances of this happening are slim, it would have devastating effects on the environment. 

In light of the human health and environmental concerns surrounding the GE salmon, we respectfully urge you not to approve it. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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