Dismiss the Stephen Harper government

  • al: Greg Felton
  • destinatario: David Johnston, Governor General of Canada

Stephen Harper is destroying the institutions and ideals that made Canada a civilized country. He has violated the Constitution, committed electoral fraud, misled Parliament, obstructed justice in a Senate enquiry, and betrayed Canada’s respect for international law. Worst of all, he has treated Parliament and Canadians with contempt by giving his political allegiance to foreign governments and corporations. By any rational standard, this amounts to treason.

However, all is not lost. We could be rid of Harper and his unconstitutional despotism in an instant. Canada could again be a parliamentary democracy where civil rights and the rule of law mean something. All that has to happen is for Governor General David Johnston to dismiss Stephen Harper and appoint a new prime minister, which he is constitutionally empowered to do.

On Oct. 1, 1947, King George VI vested Canada’s royal representative with full constitutional authority, among other things, “to remove from his office, or to suspend from the exercise of the same, any person exercising any office within Canada.” It is the governor general, not the public, that selects the government; the prime minister, who has no constitutional standing, can be dismissed at any time.

However, Johnston has not yet exercised his Constitutional powers. He may even be in a conflict of interest because he was nominated by Harper and rendered Harper a service in a legal matter.

We demand that David Johnston do his sovereign duty to defend the integrity of Canada and the welfare of its citizens by dismissing Stephen Harper as prime minister.

When a government does violence to the country and its people, the Constitution is our democratic protection.


Dear Governor General:
Who is more responsible for a great crime: those who commit it, or those that did nothing to stop it? In the case of Canada, we have Stephen Harper and you, respectively.

You have the authority granted you by King George VI to dismiss Harper and his treasonous cabal, thereby saving Canada from destruction from within. Yet, you do nothing. You treat your office like a sinecure instead of as a meaningful part of Canada's government.

Canada is burning and you make no effort to put the fire out. The people of Canada, though, are becoming increasingly wise to your indolence and servile fealty toward Harper. 

Do you want to go down as the head of state that watched as Canada was destroyed, or do you want to be remembered as the man who saved Canda whiile he could?

This petition reminds you in no uncertain terms of what your duty is. Do you have the backbone and integrity to do it?

I will be in touch.

Greg Felton

Actualizar #3hace 9 años
Sorry for the delay in updating.

We have exceeded 5,400 signatures!

B.C. MP Kennedy Stewart (NDP) will try to introduce a paper petition in the House of Commons demanding the Governor General remove Harper. (http://www.gregfelton.com/Petition%20to%20remove%20Stephen%20Harper.pdf)

If you wish, even after signing this on-line petition, please download, sign and send to Kennedy Stewart at 211 Justice Building Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6.

Thank you all again,

Warm regards,

Greg Felton
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
Congratulations! We've hit 1,000 signatures, thanks to all of you who care about Canada and recognize the danger Stephen Harper represents. The national media, sadly, still won't touch the topic of impeachment. I am working with an MP to have a version of this presented to the House of Commons, and I'll update you when it is finalized. For every one of you that has signed I can imagine that there are thousands of others who feel as you do.

Let's keep getting the word out!
Actualizar #1hace 11 años
The petition has been up just over two weeks, and we are getting close to 100 signatures. Much of the credit goes to Carlito Pablo’s article in The Georgia Straight.

I am impressed by the passion many of you have shown, and I am convinced we will hit 1,000 signatures soon. My aim is 100,000. Please spread the word in person and on-line, and tell your MP to stand up for Canada.

I'll keep you posted.
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