Close down dog racing.

  • al: Carol Messina
  • destinatario: The Florida State Senate, The Senate Gaming Committee,

As many people know, this is not a new issue for Greyhounds used for racing.  Along with all the other animal welfare problems, and there are so many,  this was brought back to the surface in an article appearing in the Orlando Sentinel (FL) Wed. 4/9/14, and how the State Senate aproved a bill SB742 that requires reporting greyhound injuries from this so-called "sport".  Well, this is equivalent to putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound.  It was mentioned in this piece, that a racing greyhound dies in Florida every three days. Florida is home to 13 of these tracks in a nation that still has a total of 21." State law requires dog tracks to run live races to host poker games and slots."  This is barbaric, and the fact that not many people attend or bet makes it even more senseless cruel and archaic. Members of the Florida Greyhound Assn. went to the state Capitol to appose SB742 wearing t-shirts "Racing Proud". I find that disgusting. I am a new resident of Florida and I am ashamed of the states record on anything regarding the environment and animal rights. The need to pressured Florida to abolish this practice is long overdue. And a program to take these dogs and adopt them out should be created. it's being done already in other places.

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