We the undersigned request the Eagle County Planning Office, the Eagle County Planning Commission, the Eagle County Commisssioners and the Edwards Metro District to respect the stated goals and principals of the 2017 Edwards Community plan and the wishes of the community and refuse to approve any zoning changes, PUD requests or new metro district formations for the Edwards River Park development for the following reasons:
*The development runs in opposition to many of the goals and standards established by the citizens of Edwards in collaboration with Eagle County as documented in the 2017 revised Edwards Community Plan.
*It is simply too massive, will bring too much traffic and congestion to Edwards. We feel the developers esimate of over 2.6 million car trips per year may be conservative.
*The project will adversely impact suurrounding property owners and the public enjoyment of the Eagle River Preserve with 85' tall buildings and only a 20' setback.
*This development will irreversibly destroy the rural small town ambiance of Edwards.
*Approval of this may open the way for additional development of the the land owned by the developer north of the Eagle River that is shown on the proposal as possible future expansion on a similar scale.
We recognze a property owners right to develop and improve his property, and there are many ways this parcel of land could be developed to add to the community and still respect the integrity of the Edwards Community plan, but we strongly feel this proposal is completely inappropriate, disrespectful of that document and must be blocked.
We also ask the Developer, Don Mackenzie to withdraw this proposal and work with the comunity to come up with a new proposal that will be beneficial to the Edwards Community.
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