Why do you continue to ignore the outcry of millions of people about animal abuse? Over 25 MILLION animals are abandoned and killed each year in this Country. Over 16 MILLION are gassed in kill shelters each year. These innocent animals are shoved into tiny chambers, one on top of the other, scared, crying, and fighting to get a breath. Most states get grants to run these kill shelters, but if that money was used to spay and neuter the "OVER POPULATION OF UNWANTED ANIMALS" we could have the population under control in just 10 years or less. These gas chambers are by no way humane! It takes over 20 minutes for an animal to die this way, and those who do survive the gassing are killed in the most horrible way. This is OUTRAGIOUS!! We all complain about the animal abuse in other countries but are we really any better? People rape, burn and torture animals every day in this Country and get away with only a slap on the wrist. The "AWA" was written in 1966 and needs to be changed. It calls for only the MINIMUM care of animals and our dogs and cats are still considered livestock. WE DO NOT EAT our dogs and cats in this country. Our Dogs and cats are our companions. Our dogs are here for the blind, the sick, our Police, and not to mention our Military and disabled Vets. What we all want is the current laws on the books to be changed. #1: Make the laws across the board in EVERY state the same. Use the Money to spay and Neuter animals instead of gassing. #2: All animals in shelters must be fixed before they are adopted out. #3: Make ALL puppy mills illegal and anyone who runs one be charged with a felony. True good breeders are being damaged by these "back yard breeders” who only care about making money without any concern for the wellbeing of the animals, and what’s worse is when the animals use is over they are killed and dumped like garbage. #4: We would like to have a law written that states ANYONE who commits animal abuse be fined and put in jail. Please you have the power to make this happen. The outcry in this Country is Huge. Animals feel pain and hurt as we do. God said in "Ecclesiastes 3:19" FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO THE CHILDREN OF MAN AND WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BEASTS ARE THE SAME. AS ONE DIES SO DOES THE OTHER.THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME BREATH AND MAN HAS NO ADVANTAGE OVER THE BEASTS! FOR ALL IS VANITY............................ http://www.change.org/petitions/state-rep-maureen-walsh-a-unite-a-a-united-nation-intended-to-end-animal-abuse And please feel free to join our "AUNITE.A.A" page to post animal abuse from THIS IS FOR ANIMAL ABUSE FROM OUR CUUNTRY ONLY........... https://www.facebook.com/groups/auniteaa/
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