Help Save the Future of Scotland's Salmon

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Scottish Government, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs

The salmon farming industry in Scotland is at a critical crossroads. Despite promises for reform, the Scottish Government's progress has been dangerously slow, putting the lives of countless salmon at risk. With a new report highlighting record mortality rates in the salmon farming industry, it is time to demand immediate and effective changes.

Sign the petition to demand the Scottish Government address the issue of salmon mortality immediately and make necessary policy reforms within a year!

In 2023 alone, an unprecedented 17.4 million salmon died in Scottish farms. The industry claims factors beyond their control, like climate change and jellyfish, are to blame. However, the truth points to more controllable factors like overcrowding and poor farm management. 

The Scottish Parliament has called for an immediate timetable to address these issues, overseen by a dedicated minister within a year. Yet, without our collective voice, these changes may never come to fruition or may be too late.

By signing this petition, you are not just advocating for policy change; you are standing for the ethical treatment and survival of a species that significantly impacts our marine ecosystem. The Scottish Government must enforce stricter controls and ensure that the salmon farming industry is held accountable for its actions.

Sign this petition to demand that the Scottish Government save Scotland's salmon and demand a future where our marine life thrives in harmony with sustainable practices!

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