ECO Red Alert ! Worlds Oceans at Threat of Dying Due to Nuclear Spill in FUKUSHIMA JAPAN

Massive amounts of Radiation contaminated water from the ruptured nuclear power plant are dumping into the ocean.  All the worlds oceans are connected, which makes this a global problem.  We need to urge the world's leaders to fix this problem immediately.  It effects everyone.

Several tanks and pipes at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant are suspected of leaking toxic water, the chairman of the Japanese nuclear watchdog, Shunichi Tanaka, said Monday.

Tokyo Electric Power Company’s plan to manage radioactive water at its wrecked Fukushima plant may include a controlled discharge into the ocean once its toxicity is brought within legal limits, Japan’s nuclear regulator said.

TOKYO — Tons of contaminated groundwater from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant have overwhelmed an underground barrier and are emptying daily into the Pacific, creating what a top regulator has called a crisis.

in May the company reported detecting a sharp increase in the amounts of radioactive tritium in groundwater beneath the plant.

Tepco now says the groundwater is emptying into the plant’s man-made harbor at a rate of 400 tons a day — enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool every week. 

we the undersigned are outraged that this nuclear power plant leak is being allowed to continue, as it dumps highly radiated water into the worlds oceans.

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