Ban Devocalization Nationwide

  • al: Nyack Clancy
  • destinatario: American Veterinary Medical Association- Gail C. Global, PhD, DVM

Imagine trying to cry out in warning or excitement, but instead feeling a strangling sensation and hearing your throat rasp harshly.

This happens to countless animals every single day. Annoyed with ceaseless barking or meowing, breeders and pet owners have veterinarians surgically cut or remove the animals' vocal cords. Such procedures create serious health risks for the animal, including hemorrhaging, coughing, gagging, aspiration, trouble swallowing, and breathing problems.

Ban painful, standard veterinary practice that maims an animal's vocal chords, and destroys the natural quality of life it was meant to live.
American Veterinary Medical Association
Gail C. Global, PhD, DVM
1931 North Meacham Road, Suite 100
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360
Phone: 800.248.2862
Fax: 847.925.1329

Imagine trying to cry out in warning or excitement, but instead feeling a strangling sensation and hearing your throat rasp harshly.

This happens to countless animals every single day. Annoyed with ceaseless barking or meowing, breeders and pet owners have veterinarians surgically cut or remove the animals' vocal cords. Such procedures create serious health risks for the animal, including hemorrhaging, coughing, gagging, aspiration, trouble swallowing, and breathing problems. 

Ban painful, standard veterinary practice that maims an animal's vocal chords, and destroys the natural quality of life it was meant to live.


American Veterinary Medical Association
Gail C. Global, PhD, DVM
1931 North Meacham Road, Suite 100
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360
Phone: 800.248.2862
Fax: 847.925.1329

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