Petition Against Victoria's Secret

  • al:
  • destinatario: Grace Nichols, President & CEO of Victoria's Secret


(This is for men only. Click here to sign the Women's Petition)

We, the undersigned men ages 13 and above, as future and present husbands, dislike your continued exploitation of women. We feel this is an attempt to:

  • Get our attention
  • Perpetuate and create a false ideal of women
  • Desensitize both men and women to public nudity and/or immodesty
  • Encourage the decline of morals in modern society

We will discourage our mothers, sisters, spouses, and any other female friends from buying or in any other way supporting your business while you continue your current advertizing means. We will also not shop at your store for our wives (and/or future wives) when we desire to buy lingere for her until this matter is corrected.

We respectfully request you cease and desist in pushing immodesty in public advertizing and public television shows.

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