Stop the University of Wyoming from destroying Cooper House. It is on the National Register of Historic Places. It needs to be preserved.

  • al: Dale Vinzant
  • destinatario: Residents of Laramie Wyoming and anyone who is interested in historic houses that are TOTALLY unique

There is a proposal that the Cooper House in Laramie Wyoming which is on the National Registration of Historic Places be torn down. Wyoming's adaptation of the Mission and Pueblo styles in a 1920s residential building. As an interesting combination of styles, the Cooper Mansion is the only structure of its type in the state.

Actualizar #2hace 5 años
We have 724 signatures, which passes our goal. Thank all of you for helping, I know many of you have been posting the petition and telling your friends about it. All I did is write a petition, you promoted it and signed it.
Actualizar #1hace 5 años
Our campaign for stopping the destruction of the Cooper House/Mansion. We have 633 signatures, I just created a report to send to the two taskforce members so they can see we are serious. There is a meeting today so I wanted them to have our information I hope to get some feedback some time today. I will post on you know you are from La . . . as soon as I know something.
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